A Winter Wonderland - in March!
Awoke today to a silent, dreamy wintery scene - a rarity in Florence. Cycling along the Arno alongside empty roads, all the schools were...

Ne'er cast a clout till May be out..
Nature was calling me this weekend with early signs of spring in the air. A joy to reconnect with all that nurtures and nourishes, and a...

Marvelling at the Masters - and beholden to the Medici
Sunshine lit my Renaissance route today, following Florentine magic from the Uffizi to the Pitti Palace. For all that is written about...

When life gives you lemons..
Winter in Firenze. What's not to love? :)

How awe-inspiring and majestic is our world. Feeling blessed - and also the responsibility of ensuring an active part in it's protection....

A festive feel
All it takes is a glorious tree, carols and Christmas lights and I am alive with childhood memories, wonder and the excitement of all...

Golden days of Autumn
It may be November but Mother Nature bathes Firenze in a welcome warm golden glow. A relaxing timelessness pervades and Sunday strollers...

“To be wise is to be eternally curious.” ― Frederick Buechner
The Last Supper at San Salvi. Thanks to Andrea del Sarto for the inspiration. Though highly regarded during his lifetime as an artist...

"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life" Samuel Johnson
Even after steeping myself in the treasures of the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, Leighton House, Windsor Castle and...

Art in Amsterdam
It is a joyful moment when you are able to spend as much time as you like before Master paintings that have inspired you in books since...